5083 Aluminum Sheet for LNG Storage Tank Material

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The LNG storage tank material has requirements on high strength and high toughness. The main factors to be considered are to find materials that can adapt to low-temperature media and to handle volatile and flammable materials.

Ultra-low temperature aluminum alloy 5083 has become a widely used material for manufacturing low-temperature storage tanks due to its high strength, good plasticity, corrosion resistance and processability. The thickness is basically above 6mm.

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5083-O, 5083-H111 and 5083-h321 aluminum plate has a sufficient market practice basis as a tank material for powder tank trucks in Europe. 5083 aluminum sheet is also used to make fuel tank truck, which is not easy to rust and does not pollute the oil.

The tank body is usually made of 4 to 6 aluminum plates tightly connected by welding technology. 5083H111 aluminum plate has become the main choice for the tank body due to its high strength, corrosion resistance and excellent welding performance.

5083 aluminum sheet itself has good corrosion resistance, which can well prevent the storage of liquid materials from causing the tank body to rust and corrode, and can well extend the service life of the tank body.

5754 aluminum is another popular aluminum alloy choice to make tank trucks, which can reduce the weight of tank trucks, increase load capacity, reduce fuel consumption, and reduce exhaust emissions. Moreover, 5754 aluminum plate has strong corrosion resistance and can greatly extend the service life of tank trucks.

5754 aluminum alloy is a typical Al-Mg alloy, containing 2,6-3,6% magnesium. The addition of magnesium causes Mg2Si in the matrix to precipitate to provide strengthening. Common tempering conditions of the material include aluminium 5754 h111 and 5754 H22, H12, H14, H114, etc.

Both 5754 aluminum plate and 5083 aluminum plate are aluminum-magnesium alloy aluminum plates. The main difference between the two is the magnesium alloy content, hardness and elongation. At the same time, the hardness of 5083 aluminum plate is higher than that of 5754 aluminum plate. Of course, the price of 5083 aluminum plate is also higher.

Original Source:https://www.aluminumtankerplate.com/a/5083-aluminum-sheet-for-lng-storage-tank-material.html

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